"It's impossible to keep personal and work life separate.
We are human.
We have one life."

–Ashley Jones, Founder
After hearing stories from families dealing with bullying at work, threats, job loss, and other stressors on top of facing a terminal diagnosis, we recognized leaders are not trained to lead through crisis and loss.

But they should be.

We created our Corporate Care Program in 2019 to bring our Heart At Work grief and empathy training to leaders everywhere. Our goal is to help teams respond well in moments of crisis and loss, create cultures of caring, and help people feel supported at work no matter what they're going through.
Ashley Jones speaking to a room full of business people

How can we support people in all areas of life, including at work?

Grief Support
Grief is the result of losses of all kinds. At any given time, depending on the size of your organization, there is likely at least one person grieving. If you wait until a loss occurs to learn how to support someone, it's too late.
There are decades of papers and research showing empathy improves employee satisfaction, team engagement, productivity, retention, and so many other critical elements of success. And yet, surveys also show employees feel like leaders are falling short. We can help.

“After the Heart at Work training, I feel more confident in offering support to others. This is something everyone needs. "

Katie A., CEO

What is Heart At Work?

Loss is a part of life, and yet, very few of us are taught how to navigate hard things—for ourselves, and others.

Heart At Work is the grief and empathy training we offer to companies to educate their teams and support their leaders to create cultures that support people through crisis and loss.

The Heart At Work training is a division of our Corporate Care Program, ensuring people feel loved and supported at work. We know when people feel cared for, everything gets better, including productivity, retention, and the overall wellness and satisfaction at work.
The Numbers

Empathy and employee support is worth investing in.

It's Costing You
B. Billion. This is how much absenteeism is costing employers each year due to unsupported grief at work.
(statistic from CDC)
Empathy Matters
of employees surveyed will stay with an empathetic employer. However, 52% feel their company’s empathy efforts are dishonest.
(Harvard Business Review)
Grief Mistakes
This is how much money is wasted annually as a result of reduced productivity and on the job errors due to grief.
(Grief Recovery Institute)
Heart At Work

Options For Your Workplace

2-Hour Virtual Training
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This training for all employees covers the concepts highlighted in our free webinar on a deeper level as well as new concepts like navigating specific work-grief scenarios.
4-Hour Virtual or In-Person
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We explore the mind-body connection on a much deeper level, including coping skills, and support tools for yourself and others. We also engage in team-building exercises to support themselves, their co-workers, clients, and the company.
2-Day Custom Intensive
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We're here to empower leaders through any crisis or loss. We invite the leadership to join us as we look at company culture, policies, and communication to support your employees better.
Now is the time.

When you realize you need us, it's too late.

A great leader is ready to respond to a crisis at any given moment. They know timeliness, empathy, and appropriate action is critical in moments of grief and loss. It's also important to equip employees with the knowledge and ability too.

Our training helps people become better humans, better team members, and better leaders. The results can benefit everyone now, but even more so when there’s a loss in the future... it is only a matter of time.

Why It Matters

Success Is Driven By Your People

Change management is hard.
There is a lot of loss at work.

When a co-worker friend is promoted to your boss, you lose a friend. When a team member is fired or quits, there is loss. Mass layoffs, moving locations, a diagnosis... that’s just the surface.

And when leadership handles it poorly, you lose good people.

But when leadership gets it right, you create lifelong brand ambassadors.
Take Action.

Invest in your leadership and care for your people.

Get in touch with us to learn how we can come alongside of your team to help you lead through loss.
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